My Story




I believe in living beautifully.


When I started this journey of aging beautifully I was at a middle point in my life. I was in college thriving as a Ceramics Fine Art student. I was enjoying life, enjoying the clay between my fingers, but I was always finding myself drawn to my own natural health and skin care. I believed there was more to my artist journey than just the lump of clay on my throwing wheel.
As time went on and I discovered that more women were coming to me for advice to have a natural, yet ageless beauty. I gave advice, I helped friends find the perfect natural, animal cruelty free, products to start their own journey. I always suggested massage therapy as a natural, yet effective healing tool for the soul. I felt like I was really helping each and every person around me.
After years of personal growth, knowledge, and education I have finally found myself here.
And I cannot wait to share my journey of health with you.